Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chronic Fatigue part 3

The most challenging aspect of chronic fatigue for me surprisingly to most is not the actual fatigue. Rather, it's the side effects of fatigue that are causing me problems. Things such as losing my temper easily, being short with people, not having the ability to endure emotional discomfort and sort. This can and does cause havoc on my interpersonal relationships and to some degree I think it's led to unhappiness from my co-workers, which could be the reason why my boss has asked me to step down as VP of marketing.

I ended up going to "hot" Yoga on Friday and sweated my butt off. I felt the impact of being dehydrated throughout the weekend and am just starting to feel like I'm coming out of it. Follow the Yoga session with a 2 hour bike ride that dehydrated me further and it's a recipe for disaster. Sure enough I had a blow out with my significant other on Saturday night.

These are the toughest things for me with Chronic Fatigue....not the actual tiredness but the inability to take on life things that don't necessarily go my way.

For now, I've got a lot of water to drink to recover from the dehydration and am hoping this will aid my current tiredness.

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