Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chronic Fatigue Part 5

It's been a while since I wrote about my battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This is symbolic because my progress has been the same...very slow, very methodical. Some weeks I feel as though I'm making huge gains, other weeks I just want to crawl back into my cave and sleep.

As I mentioned before, the worst part of CFS for me is not so much the actual fatigue but my inability to absorb life's little challenges. At times, it feels as though I'm caged in a small box with really loud, obnoxious music blasting at me. And, all I want to do is just run away.... Totally a fight or flight scenario.

I'm not to blame or make excuses, but I do believe my battle with CFS contributed to my being let go from my last job and my break-up with the person I was dating. Again, inability to manage life's little challenges and inability to give and take with life.

The good news is that I am getting better. I believe napping, good food, supplementation and liquid DHEA to help stabalize hormone and thyroid levels have helped me tremendously.

I've gotten to the point where I can actually exercise 5-6 days out of the week, while still keeping my intensity low. A typical week includes 3-4 bike rides, 2-3 short runs (no more than 50 minutes), at least one surf session and a couple of core strength activities. Oh, and I recently bagan playing tennis again a couple of times a week and that's been good for my mind and emotions. So, in addition to the naps and nutrition, mixing it up has also been important.

I recently began volunteering some time with the Challenged Athletes Foundation and am serving as a group leader on Sunday rides. It feels great to give back, especially for such a worthy organization.

Follow the link on CAF to find out more about this organization.

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Chris Horner Gives Fallen Rider (and bike) a 2k Ride to the Finish

The Everyday Athlete » Blog Archive » Chris Horner Gives Fallen Rider (and bike) a 2k Ride to the Finish

Saturday, July 12th, 2008...4:20 pm
Chris Horner Gives Fallen Rider (and bike) a 2k Ride to the Finish

The leaders had already come through when a moto approached me and said, "Get your camera ready - one hell of a shot is coming your way"

I readied.

30 seconds later, the form of a rider appeared up the road. Wait. A rider? Two riders? What the hell is that thing? As the form approached, I began to realize that Chris Horner was actually giving someone a ride on the back of his bike. Uphill. To the finish. After busting ass to help Levi for 70 some-odd miles.

And, wait. What IS that? Is the guy carrying his bike?

Yes. Yes he is.

He came across the line to huge applause.


Apparently, Billy Demong from Team American R.A.D.D./AGEL crashed with 2k to go, bike and body completely thrashed, and Horner stopped and said, "Hey dude, get on." and then rode them both up the hill to the finish.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Gas prices & bikes

no words needed.

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