Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday Morning Rides from B&L

The good folks at B&L Bike and Sport in Solana Beach and I started an alternative Wednesday morning, social but moderately-paced group ride, leaving the shop no later than 8:15 and returning by or around 9:45.

Our goals are 1. to ride!, and 2. to attract others to the ride who want a nice, moderately-paced group ride on Wednesday morning before work. Those who want to ride more have several options that will add more miles during the ride by splitting off or adding more miles after we get to the shop.Today, we covered this route....left B&L by 8:10 and were back at the shop, with coffee in hand, by 9:45:On today's ride were Dan Breyer and Jeff Rowe (both (B&L Managers) and me!

Highlight of today's ride were running into friends Don, Jeff and Randy in The Ranch and Jeff's Banana Peel Yellow Brick Road Shoes that added to the level of visibility and safety for our already safe and highly visible ride!

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