PAN Pesticides Database: Pesticide Use in California

California pesticide use data show that between 1991 and 2000 almost 2 billion pounds of active ingredients were applied in California alone. After a massive increase in pesticide use in the early to mid-1990's, reported use has stabilized at about 200 million pounds of active ingredients each year. This figure only includes farm use and professional pesticide use. Not included are consumer and much institutional pesticide use. Also not included in this figure are so-called 'inert' ingredients. U.S. pesticide use is about 1.2 billion pounds each year, and worldwide pesticide use is about 5 billion pounds each year. For detailed information on pesticide use in the U.S. overall and in the California, New York or Oregon pesticide use reporting systems, please see our Pesticide Use pages.
Search CA Pesticide Use
Search California pesticide use data for any combination of chemical, crop, or county. Includes data from 1991 through 2007.
CA Crop Use
Find pesticide use information on over 250 crops and sites in California for 2007. Crops are organized into the following groups:
Vegetables and Melons
Fruits and Nuts
Field Crops
Spices and Herbs
Nursery Products Forests
Other Agriculture
CA County Use
Find pesticide use information for 58 California counties for 2007.
Additional Resources
Links to additional information on pesticide use in California, other states, the U.S. and Europe.
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