Sunday, March 25, 2007

Brooke in the news!!!

It's almost unexplainable for me to read about one of my former athletes...almost euphoric while unbelievable at the same time. I'm not one to live too much in the past but I am still amazed at Brooke's success...I know she's reading this so I'll keep the "I told you so's...." to a minimum. I guess more than anything else I am just really proud of Brooke for her accomplishments and wonder if I can keep up with her on the road!!!

Way to go Brooke!

Sutherland, Teutenberg tops in Redlands crit stages: "The next rider to enter the picture was the up-and-coming California sprinter Brooke Miller of Team Tibco who won the first three NRC races this year.

Teutenberg moves toward the front of the field

photo: Casey GibsonCasey B. Gibson
'Ina's a really aggressive rider and we had expected her to go,' Miller told VeloNews. 'Last year when I didn't know what I was doing, the only advice I got before the race was, ‘Ina can win this race in a bunch sprint, she can win this race in a solo sprint, or she can lap the field.' So last year she'd attacked twice in the first lap, and I stupidly chased her down and worked with Team Lipton to chase her down, and I just literally blew myself.

'And so this year, I'm like, okay, well if Ina goes, it's not my responsibility to chase her down, you know? I need to be smart and let my team work and all this sort of stuff. I saw Ina go, and ... then I saw Van Gilder go, and I thought, ‘Whoa! Ina, Van Gilder up the road, I am not gonna let that happen.'

Up and comer Brooke Miller leads the break.

photo: Casey B. Gibson
'And then Christine [Thorburn] went, and I was on Christine's wheel and so I was bridging up with Christine. And she got almost all the way there, and I buried myself to get all "

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