Most of you received Gary's email on Friday: A freak piece of wood lodged itself between his fork and wheel and launched Gary into orbit. Gary hit his head, cracked his helmet, bent his frame, got a bit of road rash and shock. It could have been a lot worse. Sitting two back from him, I was witness to this bizarre accident.
An article was sent out last week about a British scientist who did a study and said cyclist who wear helmets are more prone to accidents with cars, and therefore serious injury and death, than cyclist who don't wear helmets.
We wear helmets to protect against accidents such as the one Gary had on Friday. Not to make us feel invincible. Helmets add a layer of protection and are not invincible shields against major impact. Just an added layer of insurance. Ask Gary...had it not been for his helmet, his head would have been cracked.
As further evidence, this time I was personally involved in another accident on Sunday when Steve Cahill and I locked arms when we both tried to occupy the same space and time. Steve went down hard, hit his shoulder, got road rash and (you guessed it) broke his helmet. I was fortunate to have kept upright although somehow broke a couple of spokes and limped home. But, once again this is proof that accidents happen and helmets provide a layer of protection that is well worth the expense and any inconvenience.
Wear your minimum during serious training and definitely during group rides.
The following link is to pictures of Gary's accident.
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